Mark Aisthorpe

Interview with Mark Aisthorpe by Jasmine Butler and Katherine Briggs on 1 November 2023.

Click the play button below to hear Mark talking about his past working at Petersons smokehouse.

“So my Saturday job, I used to walk in, upstairs, first job was a cup of tea, obviously, and then it was packing kippers, and it just seemed neverending, because all these horses was stacked from the floor height to probably about 6ft high, rows and rows and rows of kippers, and you used to just stand there, paring kippers and packing them up in boxes, half-stone boxes, one-stone boxes. We always used to send out for a bacon butty or a sausage butty on a Saturday morning, have a tea break, then it was back to packing kippers, and that was from six o’clock in the morning through to till about – we were usually all done by eleven o’clock, five hours. And then it was off to the pub [laughter].”

Click the button below to download a transcript of the interview in full.